
806 documenten

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  1. AMR in animals and its public health impact - Prof. dr. D.M. Mevius

    Video | 05-03-2021

  2. Regulation EU 2019/6 and impact on prescription of AM’s in veterinary practices in the NL - Dr. I.M. van Geijlswijk

    Video | 05-03-2021

  3. The global AMR situation - Prof. dr. M.J.M. Bonte

    Video | 05-03-2021

  4. Openbaar verslag Collegevergadering 973

    Vierde versie, 26 juli 2023.

    Collegevergadering | 04-03-2021

  5. AMR-monitoring in animals in the Netherlands (including MRSA/ESBLs) - Dr. K.T. Veldman

    Video | 04-03-2021

  6. Monitoring and benchmarking antimicrobial use in the Netherlands - Prof. dr. ir. D.J.J. Heederik

    Video | 04-03-2021

  7. Antimicrobial usage in animals in Belgium and Europe - Prof. dr. J. Dewulf

    Video | 04-03-2021

  8. Introduction - Dr. H.M.G. Schreurs

    Video | 04-03-2021

  9. Openbaar verslag Collegevergadering 972

    Definitieve versie, 26 juli 2023.

    Collegevergadering | 17-02-2021

  10. DHPC Lojuxta

    Belangrijke risico-informatie Lojuxta (lomitapide): Controleer de leverfunctie van patiënten die behandeld worden met Lojuxta ...

    Brief | 17-02-2021